Live Update + Bonus

From My Desk To Yours

A semi-regular dose of what's happening in my world, marketing tips, inspiration, and advice for business owners like you.

Happy Thursday Reader!

It's been a minute since you've heard from me and that's because we've had some BIG life changes. In June we moved from Austin, TX to Asheville, NC!

We've been taking our time settling in, getting used to new schools, making new connections, and finding our groove. It's a super fun area and we can't wait for this next chapter.

On that note, I have some very exciting new offers I wanted to share with all of you, my loyal email list, before opening them up to the rest of the internet.

We all know that from here on out it's downhill as 2023 comes to a close and we look forward to 2024. I actually LOVE this time of year because it's a great time for reflection and planning (eek! The BEST!)
Questions bounce around like:

What went well?
What do you wish you would have done differently?
What do you hope to do with your business or life in the coming year?

Each year I participate in something called the Holiday Council, which is a self-reflection workshop led by my friend Molly of Stratejoy, to help sort out the answers to many of these questions. Reach out to me if you want info, or stay tuned to my Instagram as I'll be sharing details about HOCO soon.

As part of this reflection work, I also like to factor in a business recap, and here are three ways I'd like to help you do the same:

2023 Instagram Audit
A look back on what worked, what didn't, and how you can improve your Instagram presence.


Instagram Audit

Unlock the full potential of your Instagram presence with our Instagram Audit service!
We'll meticulously analyze your... Read more

End Of Year Social Media Audit
A deep dive into two (2) of your social media accounts to discover content trends, engagement metrics, and more.


Social Media Audit

Elevate your social media game with our Social Media Audit!
I'll dive deep into your online presence, evaluating... Read more

Combination Website + Social Media Audit
A thorough analysis of BOTH your website and social media accounts.


Web + Social Audit

Elevate your online presence with our combined Website and Social Media Audit! I'll perform a thorough analysis of your... Read more

These are all limited-time offers because, well.... 2023 is ending soon! Feel free to reach out with any questions and we'll get you set up. Should you have any fellow business owner friends, go ahead and pass this email along to them too.


You have until November 1 to lock in these deals and get your audits completed before the end of the year!

Count down to 2023-11-02T03:45:00.000Z

Finish the year strong and get ready to relax in 2024 🎉

As always, take a look the website to learn more about my services and how I can help.

Chat soon!

~ Andrea

Brought to you by Andrea Genevieve Creative

Asheville, NC
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